X Story

In 2017, a male colleague asked me to run a camp.

Until that moment, I thought he thought we were equals - both senior leaders at a global company, both graduates of the same university, both around the same age.

Now, let’s be clear, running a camp is an important job. My children’s camp has been fundamental to their growth and development.

But running a camp wasn’t part of my JD, it wasn’t part of my career vision, and it wouldn’t have played to my strengths. My gut also said the camp wasn’t a great investment.

My response was something along the lines of: Why aren’t you doing it?

Fast forward to 2020 - My second business is now entering it’s second year with a strong valuation and over 140% annual growth, despite the pandemic. I’ve made mistakes, I’ve learned a lot. My co-founder and I have been helped by amazing people.

COVID-19 changed the nature of many friends’ jobs - leading them to start their own businesses. To help them out, I started a small club, labelled “Christine’s Business Chix” by the women in it.

We meet online each week and well, learn about business. About the real stuff (finance, calculating profit and loss, testing market viability). We laugh a lot and we know that good ideas are a dime a dozen; the devil in the details.

The Chix have encouraged me to take this learning opportunity to a wider audience.

Try a self-serve class or join the club; start your business or find your leadership voice. I am so glad you are here.

